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With myVGL, you can view 3D objects (in voxel, point cloud, mesh, and CAD format), the analyses and measurements performed on these objects, and the results.
myVGL is fully compatible to VGSTUDIO MAX, VGSTUDIO, and VGMETROLOGY as well as previous versions. It also offers the new, flexible reporting features of VGSTUDIO MAX.
myVGL is the free viewer app for projects created with VGSTUDIO MAX, VGSTUDIO, and VGMETROLOGY
You want to download myVGL? Now all you need is a free live demo of Volume Graphics software to get you started in the world of industrial CT. Volume Graphics live demos are not off-the-shelf. Let an industrial CT expert walk you through the most important aspects of the software and ask your individual questions.
myVGL is perfect for sharing the results of a CT data analysis – whether you receive data, e.g., from your quality lab or a scanning service provider or you want to exchange CT data analysis results with colleagues.
You can not only view and examine all analyses and analysis results created using Volume Graphics software with myVGL. You also have access to the new export and reporting features that you know from VGSTUDIO MAX:
Dr. Anton du Plessis, Stellenbosch University CT Facility
"Stellenbosch CT Facility would not be what it is today without Volume Graphics. VGSTUDIO MAX convinces me with its speed, quality, and visually impressive results. myVGL is great for sharing results with customers and collaborators."
* Depending on the platform, there are differences in the range of functions for different operating systems. See our continuously updated Product Information page for details.