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In our Train-the-Trainer program, we train and authorize employees known to us through their work in Volume Graphics partner companies to conduct VGSTUDIO MAX Local Trainings. These Local Training courses will be recognized by VG Academy, giving participants access to more advanced courses and discounted pricing from VG Academy. During the term of their authorization, we will keep the trained trainers informed about training-relevant updates in the software, provide upgrade training materials, and optionally offer language packs for training in additional languages.
Provide your end customers with all services from one single source.
With the optional language pack, you can train your end customers in your local language using the training material we provide you with.
Volume Graphics publishes all partner companies with authorized trainers on its website promoting your services.
Sell training independently of software and create additional after-sales opportunities for existing customers.
Keep updated on brand new functionalities and important features in the software.
Authorized trainers may also give training to their colleagues and provide training certificates with all the benefits associated with these.
Work with high-quality training material provided and updated by VG Academy.
With VG Academy trainers who are experts in the software and can provide optimum support for your training sessions.
The Train-the-Trainer program is exclusively for Volume Graphics partners. The basic requirement for participation is therefore a valid partner agreement with Volume Graphics.
* Please note that VGSTUDIO MAX Local Training courses may only be offered in countries in which VG has no subsidiary. For a list of VG Locations, click here.
Trainer candidates must have successfully completed a basic VG Academy training course (VGSTUDIO MAX Basic Training – Cast & Mold or VGSTUDIO MAX Power Training) before starting the authorization process. This training should not have been completed more than two years prior to the start of the authorization process.
The trainer authorization will be valid for one year and has to be renewed after expiry as part of follow-up authorizations.
Upon expiration of the trainer authorization, reauthorizations are required in order to continue working as a Volume Graphics authorized trainer. After the first year, the reauthorization will take place online; after the second year, a reauthorization at the premises of VG Academy will be necessary. The two subsequent authorizations will take place alternately in a one-year cycle.
Online preparation period
After 3 month
Initial authorization at the VG Academy training center*
After 1, 3, 5, ... years
Online reauthorization*
After 2, 4, 6, ... years
Refresher date at VG Academy with reauthorization*
* Includes a 1-hour authorization test with multiple choice; pass mark: 80%.
For the duration of your authorization, you have online access to updates on software functions and updated training content; working through this material is mandatory.
Reauthorization (Online):
Reauthorization (Classroom):
Phone: +49 6221 73920 810
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